Life Insurance Articles

Safety, Travel, and Insurance

The physical safety of travelers is of utmost concern to life insurance carriers.

For example, underwriters consider the possibility of insurrections, which could endanger the lives of all people - foreigners included - at the site of the uprising. To enhance their understanding of safety and travel, they rely on data independently collected by the insurance industry, itself.

In addition, they rely upon current travel warnings issued on a regular basis by the United States Department of State. This list assesses the relative safety of traveling to different locations due to health conditions, crime, political instability, military conflict, and other factors. Notably, the location of "Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza" appears on that list.

Travel to Israel Insurance Life Rates Safety, Travel, and Insurance Yesha Israel Travel History Travel Life Insurance Life Insurance Questions

Travel to Israel
Insurance Life Rates
Safety, Travel & Insurance
Israel Travel History
Travel Life Insurance

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Lifestyle Issues


Consulate of the United States, Jerusalem

US Department of State, Travel Warnings