Jeff D. Opdyke:
WSJ Complete Personal Finance Guide Book
The April 12, 2006 edition of the Wall Street Journal included a summary of a book that was just published on personal finance. The book is entitled "Wall Street Journal Complete Personal Finance Guide Book" and is written by Jeff D. Opdyke. Mr. Opdyke also wrote the summary that was published in the paper on page D3. I will respond to Mr. Opdyke's summary and comments.
First, let's review some key points he makes.
Mr. Opdyke points out that many consumers are often confused by life insurance, and really don't know exactly when to buy coverage, how much to buy or what type of policy to purchase. Mr. Opdyke also reminds us that a key function of life insurance is to replace your income.
In addition, Mr. Opdyke provides a list of people who do and who do not typically need life insurance, based on their ability to generate income and also to the degree to which they have dependents. Lastly, Mr. Opdyke offers some standard formulas for the amount to purchase.
This information is certainly helpful to consumers when educating themselves about this important purchase; nonetheless, I would like to present what I feel is a clearer picture of this product and the role it plays in one's financial portfolio.